This guide will walk through installing Apache 2.4, PHP 7.4, and MySQL 8 onto a regular Windows workstation WITHOUT using any installers, with cURL and MySQLi enabled for PHP. ASSUMPTIONS This guide assumes you are on a 64-bit version of Windows. Folder names do not really matter as long as you are consistent with them,…
Category: Uncategorized
Use filter_var to Strip Out Non-Digit Characters
See how filter_var can greatly outperform a pretty common regular expression!
URL: Quick Summary One of the best investments I ever made was to pony up a few extra bucks over a decade ago to buy the lifetime license for UltraEdit. It’s lightning fast, has more features than a dozen Swiss army knives, has fantastic, responsive and personal support (no outsourced tech support that claims their name is “Ken” and…
Security Task Manager
URL: Quick Summary When I’m checking out a system for malware, one of my first stops is to install Neuber’s Security Task Manager. I came across this little gem several years ago, when a client asked me to investigate the “Case of the Missing Space”. Basically, their drives were constantly losing free space, and none…