Using Sessions Securely

When using sessions, usually your biggest concern is cross-site scripting (or XSS for short). Without getting into too much depth, XSS is basically when one of your users can steal the cookies of other users. The malicious user (call him Bob) is able to write a script that is displayed to other users. That script…

Improving Email Delivery

Recently I was reading a forum post where someone was having a problem with their newsletters not being delivered to most of their recipients. I ended up writing a lengthy response with some of the different e-mail delivery tips and tricks I’ve come across over the years. Some of these are specific to PHP mailing…

Speed Up Your Application!

So your PHP application is running slow… no… scratch that – slow still implies that it seems like your application is doing something after 45 seconds of loading. No, your application is a crippled duckling, dragging itself slowly towards the shoreline so it can end it all. What do you do??? Here are a few…